How to Straighten Men's Hair

How to Straighten Men's Hair

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 | Tags:
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Straightening Men's Hair
Photo by Kevin Cortopassi.

Straightening hair does not have to be an activity that is simply left to the ladies. This can be a great way to give yourself a different look without having to permanently change your look with a haircut. This article will give a quick explanation of a few simple steps on how to straighten hair.

First, are you washing your hair already? To begin the process, wash your hair. It is much easier to straighten hair if it is soft so using a conditioner is encouraged as well. It is important that you be thorough in drying your hair. If you have wet hair, you can end up burning yourself simply because of the wetness. You will then want to apply a little hair product such as mousse so that you can give some direction to the hair. Make sure this is applied consistently and evenly throughout the hair. You do not want to have any slick parts of your hair caused by the hair grease. Then divide your hair into different section that you will straighten. One way to create different sections of the hair and make them stay is to use clips or pins to set the hair.

It is not about straightening the hair all in one motion but working through the different sections of the head. This is where it can be good to have a comb. Get the section of hair you want to start straightening with the comb and follow behind that with the straightener. It is best to hold the straightener in the opposite hand from the side you are straightening. If you are straightening hair on the left side of your head, use your right hand. If you are straightening hair on the right side of your head, use your left hand. Place the straightener around the base of your head where the roots start. Close the straightener on the section of the hair and pull the straightener through your hair with the angle ending up being downwards.

When you get near the top layers of hair, it is best to start pulling them towards your hair at an angle. This can allow the hair to sit correctly on your head. This is where you can think through how you want your hair styled. The angle and way that you pull your hair will decide the look you want.

This should have given you a quick and easy idea on what you need to do to make your hair straight. It does not take a great deal of effort in learning how to straighten hair but it can be a different look for you to impress your partner with.

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