A Brief History Of Hair Pomade

A Brief History Of Hair Pomade

Sunday, August 1, 2010 | Tags: ,
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Hair Pomade is one of the most versatile of all hair styling products. It differs from gel and hair spray in that it does not dry, leaving the hair with a shiny, wet look that is very popular right now. However, many people do not know anything about the origins of pomade.

The use of pomade can be traced as far back as the 1800s. During that century, the most common item used was bear fat. In the early part of the 20th century, however, other ingredients, such as petroleum jelly, beeswax, and lard replaced the bear fat.

Photo of Ricky Nelson with his Pompadour Hairstyle
Ricky Nelson's Pompadour hairstyle

Use of hair pomade was once a great deal more popular than it currently is. Many different products and brands were marketed to create the slicked down men's hairstyles that were popular in the middle of the 20th century. Common examples of hairstyles that were created using pomade include the pompadour, quiff, and duck tail. Use of a great deal of pomade led to many young men being called "greasers" because they used so much pomade to hold their hair in place.

In today's culture, men use pomade for a variety of styles. It is used to create spikes that stand out from the head and remain stiff. It can be used to create some classic hairstyles. It can even be used to impart a wet look to hair that belies the fact it is dry.

There are hundreds of different products available on the market. They have differing amounts of oil, usually petroleum jelly, beeswax, and additives to provide scent. For stiffer hold, products with a higher wax content are better. For more shine and less stiffness, products that contain more oil or grease and less wax are best. There is a complete range in between, so choosing a hair pomade will depend greatly on the style chosen.

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