If you're a man who's been blessed with curly hair, smile! Women all over the world pay hundreds of dollars every month to pump chemicals into their hair, burning it to a frizz trying to make it look like yours-and you were handed your curly hairstyles on a silver platter!
That doesn't mean that curly hair doesn't get frustrating every once in a while, because it does. Curly hairstyles often have a mind of their own, ranging from the lanky, dragging curls sported by Mel Gibson in some sections of "Braveheart" to the tight frizz you see on Tom Hanks' head in "Big". If you've been letting your hair grow out into a "Surfer Dude" 'do just to keep it tamed, relax. There are hundreds of options out there just waiting for you to make the most of them.

Justin Timberlake sported a shaved haircut. Picture by Krystian M
Shave it off. Hey, it worked for Justin Timberlake! The short buzz is back, and it quickly solves all of the options associated with your curly hair. It can't frizz if it's not there, right?

Keep it short. If you aren't the type of person who enjoys walking around with their scalp shining through their hair, that doesn't mean you're doomed to a lifetime of 'fro. Keeping it short (as in, 1" or less) will create a trim collection of curls against your head that appears neat and tidy (or, in some cases, 100% curl-free).
If you want to keep your wavy locks but are sick and tired of struggling with them every morning, a little maintenance might be in order. If you're like most men you hate the idea of spending hours dumping goop in your hair trying to make it behave (and you've probably already tried with gallons of hair gel before coming here).
This is the time to break out a little preventative maintenance. Do you remember when your Granny told you that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? She was right. There are literally hundreds of options available out there for out of control curly haircuts that will soften and relax your curls and make them easier to work with.
Stay away from hair dryers and combs, they're just going to make your frizz worse. Instead, opt for a wide toothed brush (or comb if you absolutely can't stand it) and comb it through with a touch of gel or ordinary conditioner after your shower. Allow it to air dry.
Curly Hair Gallery
Below are pictures of curly hairstyles. New pics will always be added, so don't forget to come back again soon.
Orlando Bloom Hairstyles
Cristiano Ronaldo Hairstyles
Jude Law Hairstyles
Josh Groban Hairstyle
Lenny Kravitz Hairstyles
Ryan Philippe Short Hairstyles
Justin Timberlake Hair
Dean Martin Hairstyles
Ludacris Hairstyles
Gu Jun Pyo Hairstyle
Joe Nichols Hairstyle
Allen Iverson Cornrows Hairstyles
Sean Combs Hairstyles
Matthew McConaughey Hairstyles
Bob Dylan Hairstyle
Craig David Hairstyles
Michael Jackson Jheri Curl Hairstyle
Mitch Hewer Hairstyle
Jim Morrison Hairstyles
John Legend Hairstyle
Denzel Washington Short Curly Hairstyles
Antonio Banderas Hairstyles
Adrian Grenier Hairstyles
James Franco Hairstyles
Tips & Advice
- Short Curly Haircut Ideas
Short curly hairstyles are easy to manage and are very in style. Very Short curly hair can take away the curls and give the impression that the hair is straight. A great short hair cut can be done professionally. - How to Manage Curly Hair
How to manage curly hair is a question that draws the attention from women and men alike with curly hair. They will tell you that at the best of times, curls have their own way and can be worse than naughty children can. - How to Cut Men's Curly Hair
Men’s curly hair is often considered to be the most difficult to cut. Men’s hair cuts must be cut to shape the natural curl formation. Curly hair must be cut so that the wave pattern conforms to the desired style. Men’s curly hair cuts should make the hair look cared for and controlled. Here are some tips on cutting men’s curling hair styles.